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King’s College Hospital


Denmark Hill




asbestos removal


£ 440,000


King’s College London

Delivered by

de-contaminate logo

Project details

Our sister company Derisk was appointed by King’s College London to undertake an asbestos survey of a redundant complex of buildings and service areas at a landmark hospital site. The site has been unoccupied for a long period of time and the presence of vermin was evident.

In addition to the many asbestos-containing materials that had been installed years ago, there were a number of areas where asbestos had previously been removed to a standard that falls short of that required today. Decontaminate secured the asbestos abatement contract which was completed over a 9-week period enabling safe access into the building once again.

Project constraints

  • work on a site adjacent to a live hospital unit
  • maintain the security of the site
  • avoid lone working.

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